by Melanie | Feb 11, 2020 | Basics, Communications |
Communication: We need to talk. Communication: We need to talk. We’ve all seen that moment. Two fielders, both single-mindedly running to the same spot, with a cricket ball high in the air and on the way down. No-one is calling out for the catch – there is either...
by Greg | Feb 10, 2020 | Basics, Security |
Security Basics Part1 – Fie, Fi, Fo, FUD Security Basics Part1 – Fie, Fi, Fo, FUD The biggest and best first step toward having the correct IT security for your business is often improving how you use what you already have. In 1975, Gene Amdahl explained...
by Glenn | Feb 9, 2020 | Management, vCIO |
The Effective Enabler The Effective Enabler When taking the next step in your IT career from IT manager to CIO, it’s not enough to have a solid technical background and proven people management skills. In my experience, the most effective CIOs that I’ve worked with...
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